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Claudiana "Claudia" Peacock' lives next door to Ace and is in the same class at school. Claudia is clever, tech savvy and actually really funny but one thing prevents anyone from realizing it - Claudia is allergic to almost everything and lives inside a giant plastic bubble. Claudia considers Ace to be her very best friend in the entire world and in truth, has a gigantic secret crush on him.

Vital statistics
Position Unknown
Age 12-14
Status Unknown
Physical attributes
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown


Claudia has many phobias including mysophobia the fear of germs, causing the germ free bubble around her.


She has purple hair, Black, round glasses Similar to aces, and a large bubble around her.


  • Her bubble is a reference to a film the boy in the bubble.
  • Her bubble is also similar to Cameron from a Cartoon Network show Total drama revenge of the island and Total drama all-stars.
  • She has a crush on Ace as revealed in hulabaloon. this was reenforced in Be my freaky valentine, Hugo even stating that she's his perfect match.
  • She seems to like bunnies as she has 3 glass bunnies and a pet bunny.
  • She has a poster in her room behind the humbugs man poster resembling the title card for hullabaloon. The only differences being ace isn't blushing.
  • She has multiple pictures of ace hidden in her books.

